Helping People Achieve Homeownership. ColorPage has proudly provided design, print, and nationwide fulfillment services to NACA, the nation’s largest HUD Certified counseling organization. NACA has created a new national standard for affordable homeownership.
Rondout Savings Bank Mascot

During the pandemic, our client Rondout Savings Bank decided to make an effort to assist any customers who were still relying on in-person banking as they transitioned to using on-line banking and the Rondout Savings Bank smartphone app. To help make the videos more approachable and fun, it was decided that a mascot character should be created to appear in the videos.
Salisbury Bank Wealth Advisory Electronic Vehicle Event

We were tasked with organizing and publicizing a special event for our client Salisbury Bank’s Wealth Advisory division. This invitation-only event featured a presentation on investing in the Electronic Vehicle industry by en expert in the field, as well as a very special opportunity for attendees to test drive Electronic Vehicles from manufacturers including Tesla, Ferrari, Porsche, and Bentley.
Rondout Savings Bank 150th Anniversary Celebration

Our client Rondout Savings Bank recently celebrated their 150th year of operating as a community bank. To commemorate this milestone, we created a campaign that involved a wide variety of creative projects and community outreach, even comissioning a local artist to create a sculpture for permanent public display of the iconic Rondout Lighthouse, which appears in the bank’s logomark.