Forest Stewardship Council™ FSC®
ColorPage Achieves FSC® Certification!
ColorPage took “green” leaps forward when we achieved our Forest Stewardship Council Certification on December 1, 2010. The FSC, Forest Stewardship Council, is an independent, not-for-profit organization, which ensures the responsible management of the world’s forests. The intent of the FSC system is to alter the market to promote a decrease in habitat destruction, water pollution, displacement of indigenous peoples, and violence against people and wildlife that often accompanies logging.
Products carrying the FSC logo are independently certified to assure consumers that they come from forests that are managed to meet the social, economic, and ecological needs of present and future. The certification process ensures that paper possessing the logo offered at ColorPage, was manufactured from wood collected from well-managed forests.
ColorPage is proud to hold the distinction that the certification carries.
Key Questions to Ask Your Printer:
- Are you chain-of-custody certified?
- How else may my products be produced in an environmentally friendly way?
- Do you use soy inks?
Interested in attaining the FSC logo for YOUR next project?
In order to apply an “on-product” FSC label on your own printing, ColorPage’s certifier must approve the label according to strict standards inclusive of graphical size, color, and placement.
In general, all labels must meet the following requirements:
- The logo must include ColorPage’s license code.
- The logo must be in an approved color and contrast.
- The logo must meet the minimum size requirement (17 mm across for portrait labels, 12 mm height for landscape labels).
- An area of non-disrupted, white space around the logo must be left–called the “clear zone”– which is calculated by using twice the height of the FSC initials.
- The logo must not be placed on a strong patterned background.
- If there are space limitations, the mini label may be used. (11 mm in width, 8 mm in height) This may only apply if the paper size is A5 or smaller, or packaging is 500 ml volume or less.
Download the FSC Trademark Quick Guide for Certificate Holders HERE
More About FSC Certification:
- FSC standards have been applied on more than 170 million acres of actively managed forests in more than 60 countries as of Spring 2006, and growing steadily.
- FSC-certified paper incorporates a unique furnish component that truly promotes environmental and social benefits.
- A copy of the project proof with the logo is sent for approval to ColorPage’s FSC certifier, who will verify that the correct FSC claim label is being used for the project, and that all standards are met.